Catalina Guzman-Mayoral

Interior Designer

Miami | Naples, FL
B.S. Interior Design, University of Florida

work experience:

Interior construction documentation
Design development presentations
Schematic conceptual design
Material specifications
Graphic design

key project experience:

new development:

- Affiliated Development | The Bohemian, Lake Worth Beach, FL
- Affiliated Development | The Grand, West Palm Beach, FL
- Crescent | Novel West Midtown – Huff Road, Atlanta, GA
- Hines | Two Park Central, Calgary, Alberta - Canada
- Rangewater | Fox Iron Works, Denver Colorado
- Crescent | White Fence Farms, Denver, Colorado
- Jefferson Apartment Group | 1319 South Capital, Washington, D.C

Best Design Tip

There’s a story in every project and it’s important that it creates an intimate relationship with the people and environment.

Favorite Pattern


Best Advice

Be silly, fun, different, crazy, and be you, because life is too short to be anything but happy.

Hidden Talent

I make the tastiest pancakes and best Cuban coffee.

If Its The Last Thing I Do

I will travel and visit every country to learn about their unique cultures and eat traditional food.

Trip of a Lifetime

Spain and Italy