Adriana Mezquitti

Interior Designer | FFE

Dallas, TX
B.F.A. Interior Architecture, The Art Institute of Dallas

work experience:

10+ Years in Interior Design
Project Management of projects from conception to completion.
Conceptual Design and Branding
Construction Documents
Finishes and Material Specification
FF&E Specification and Purchasing
Custom Art and Accessory Curation
Multifamily, Commercial, Residential and Hospitality Design

key project experience:

- MAA | Milepost 35, Denver, CO
- LMC | Towne, Nashville, TN
- Stillwater Capital | The Atwell, Mansfield, TX
- LMC | Adela at MiMo Bay, Miami, FL
- Private Investor | Sylvan Uptown, Denver, CO
- Stillwater Capital | The Drake, Midland, TX
- Lennar | LMC Corporate Offices, Dallas, TX
- LMC | The 23 Dog Wash Boutique, Dallas, TX
- Provident | Delta Manor, Beaumont, TX
- Provident | Maple Court, Jasper, TX
- Provident | Abby Court, Beaumont, TX

Best Design Tip

Embrace Color and take risks, the worst that can happen is a client says no!

Best Advice

Learn from those around you and be willing to teach.

Hidden Talent

Skills I have acquired throughout the years like doing acrylic nails, cutting hair, makeup and photography.

Me in One Word


Most Inspiring Trip

Spain, visiting the motherland and learning about my culture.

If Its The Last Thing I Do

I will go on a month-long beach retreat!