Design trends often take cues from high end residential design because residential design tends to prioritize the end user, resulting in a heightened focus on creating personalized and truly human-centric spaces. Luxury homes, in particular, benefit from larger budgets and greater design freedom, allowing for a higher level of creative exploration during the design process. As a result, these high-end residential projects become a source of inspiration for other design fields, including commercial and multifamily design.

Design is a direct response to human values, desires, and lifestyles. The most profound expression of this can often be found in the personal spaces people inhabit. Luxury homes are tailored to individual preferences and reflect personal tastes and aspirations. This emphasis on human-centric design serves as both the starting point and the endpoint of any design process.

We are continually inspired by the design challenge of finding ways to emulate high end design in more accessible and affordable ways, making it applicable to a wider audience. This Forecast Feature serves as a jumping-off point and an exploration of the current happenings in high end residential design.